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XSetup plugin | 2001-01-31 | 7.9 KB | 327 lines |
- "FILE"="Xteq Systems X-Setup Plugin 5.0"
- "TYPE"="9"
- "COUNT"="1"
- "UIPATH"="Appearance\Files&Folders\"New" Context Menu"
- "NAME"="Show/Hide Items"
- "VERSION"="1.10"
- "LANGUAGE"="VBScript"
- "TEXT 1"="---"
- "DESCRIPTION 1"="This plug-in allows you to specify which items should appear in the NEW list in the Context Menu (right-click)."
- "DESCRIPTION 2"="Items that have a checkmark will appear in the NEW list, items with no checkmark will not appear."
- "AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
- "CONTACTURL"="http://www.xteq.com"
- "COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
- "COMMENT 1"="Bloody complicated plug-in!!!"
- sP="HKLM\Software\Classes\"
- sV_ShellNew="\ShellNew"
- sV_ShellNewDeac="\ShellNew-"
- dim iItems 'contains the total amount of the registry keys
- Dim aryItems() 'contains the name of the Registry paths (direct files starting with ".")
- Dim aryItemsLoc() 'contains the registry location (\ShellNew or \ShellNew-)
- Dim aryDesc() 'contains the description of the items
- Sub Plugin_Initialize
- if RegPathExists(sP) then
- Call ReadRegistry
- else
- Call Disable
- end if
- End Sub
- Sub ReadRegistry
- iItems=RegEnumPaths(sP)
- dim aryTemp
- ReDim aryTemp(iItems)
- dim aryTemp2
- ReDim aryTemp2(iItems)
- l=1
- e=1
- sDebug=""
- 'read all data from the path
- For l=1 to iItems
- sItem=RegEnumElement(l)
- if left(sItem,1)="." then
- s=IsShellNew(sP & sItem)
- If len(s)>0 then
- sDebug=sDebug & sItem
- aryTemp(e)=sItem
- aryTemp2(e)=s
- e=e+1
- end if
- end if
- next
- 'Call DebugMsg(sDebug)
- sDebug=""
- 'now we have an array with the locations of the "ShellNew" or
- '"ShellNew-" paths. However, to appear in the list, it must have
- 'have at least one entry in the list. If not, the "ShellNew(-)" entry
- 'is useless and will be set to "" to be sorted out later
- for l=1 to e-1
- s=aryTemp2(l)
- iCount=RegEnumValues(s)
- if iCount=0 then
- sDebug=sDebug & aryTemp(l) & " - " & aryTemp2(l) & chr(13) & chr(10)
- aryTemp(l)=""
- aryTemp2(l)=""
- end if
- next
- 'Call DebugMsg(sDebug)
- 'okay, now count how many items we have left (that are not empty)...
- iItems=0
- for l=1 to e-1
- If Len(aryTemp(l))>0 then
- iItems=iItems+1
- end if
- next
- 'redim final arrays with this value
- ReDim aryItems(iItems)
- ReDim aryItemsLoc(iItems)
- ReDim aryDesc(iItems)
- 'copy from temp array to the final ones
- i=1
- for l=1 to e-1
- If Len(aryTemp(l))>0 then
- aryItems(i)=aryTemp(l)
- aryItemsLoc(i)=aryTemp2(l)
- i=i+1
- end if
- next
- 'fill third array with the file description
- for l=1 to iItems
- aryDesc(l)=GetFileDescription(aryItems(l))
- next
- 'AND NOW update the UI
- for l=1 to iItems
- Call SetUIElement(l,aryDesc(l) & " (" & aryItems(l) & ")") 'set data in X-Setup
- if Right(aryItemsLoc(l),1)<>"-" then 'not disabled
- Call SetUIElementEx(l,true) 'set activated
- else
- Call SetUIElementEx(l,false) 'set not active
- end if
- Next
- End Sub
- 'VERSION 1.1
- 'returns the readable description for a file TYPE. Input is the
- 'raw file type (e.g. ".TXT").
- Function GetFileDescription(DotType)
- sxd_BasePath="HKLM\Software\Classes\"
- sxd_Path=sxd_BasePath & DotType & "\@"
- sxd_Val=RegReadValue(sxd_Path)
- if IsEmpty(sxd_Val)=true then
- 'extended description not found! return default
- GetFileDescription="<UNKNOWN>"
- else
- 'found, now get the "real" description
- sxd_Path=sxd_BasePath & sxd_Val & "\@"
- sxd_Name=RegReadValue(sxd_Path)
- if IsEmpty(sxd_Name)=true then
- 'argh!
- GetFileDescription="<UNKNOWN>"
- else
- GetFileDescription=sxd_Name
- end if
- end if
- End Function
- 'VERSION 1.2
- 'returns the reg path to the ShellNew(-) path or "" if nothing was found. Input is the
- 'path to the data type (e.g. "HKCR\.TXT").
- Function IsShellNew(Path)
- Dim sCheck,sReturn
- xd_sV_ShellNew="\ShellNew"
- xd_sV_ShellNewDeac="\ShellNew-"
- sReturn=""
- 'maybe it's a little trick file
- s=RegReadValue(Path & "\@")
- if IsEmpty(s)=false then
- 'HKCR\.XXX\XX File\ShellNew
- sCheck=Path & "\" & s & xd_sV_ShellNew
- if RegPathExists(sCheck) then
- sReturn=sCheck
- else
- 'maybe deactivated?
- sCheck=Path & "\" & s & xd_sV_ShellNewDeac
- if RegPathExists(sCheck) then
- sReturn=sCheck
- else
- 'okay, I give up! I have checked all possibilies...
- sReturn=""
- end if
- end if
- end if
- if sReturn="" then
- 'Maybe this value has no name, so check on the .XXX file directly
- 'HKCR\.XXX\ShellNew
- sCheck=Path & xd_sV_ShellNew
- If RegPathExists(sCheck) then
- sReturn=sCheck
- else
- 'now check if it's deactivated...
- 'HKCR\.XXX\ShellNew
- sCheck=Path & xd_sV_ShellNewDeac
- If RegPathExists(sCheck) then
- sReturn=sCheck
- else
- 'I give up..
- sReturn=""
- end if
- end if
- end if
- IsShellNew=sReturn
- End Function
- Sub Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex)
- bChanges=false
- for l=1 to iItems
- 'for debugging....
- s=s & GetUIElement(l) & "-" & GetUIElementEx(l) & "-" & aryItemsLoc(l) & chr(13) & chr(10)
- bUI=GetUIElementEx(l)
- sCurPath=aryItemsLoc(l)
- if Right(sCurPath,1)="-" then
- bReg=false
- else
- bReg=true
- end if
- if bUI=true and bReg=true then
- 'do nothing, both activated
- else
- if bUI=false and bReg=false then
- 'do nothing, both deactivated
- else
- if bUI=true and bReg=false then
- sNewPath=left(sCurPath,len(sCurPath)-1) 'from "ShellNew-" to "ShellNew"
- else
- sNewPath=sCurPath & "-" 'from "ShellNew" to "ShellNew-"
- end if
- 'execute move action
- Call MoveFolder(sCurPath,sNewPath)
- 'set flag
- bChanges=true
- end if
- end if
- next
- if bChanges=true then
- 'clear UI
- for i=1 to iItems
- Call SetUIElement(i,"")
- next
- 're-read UI
- Call ReadRegistry
- 'call the holy Windows API
- Call IndicateSettingChange()
- 'just to be sure...
- Call Logoff
- end if
- End Sub
- Sub MoveFolder(CurrentFolder,NewFolder)
- if right(CurrentFolder,1)<>"\" then
- CurrentFolder=CurrentFolder & "\"
- end if
- if right(NewFolder,1)<>"\" then
- NewFolder=NewFolder & "\"
- end if
- 'move values for base path
- Call MoveValues(CurrentFolder,NewFolder)
- 'check for any existing subfolder
- iC=RegEnumPaths(CurrentFolder)
- if iC>0 then
- Dim aryTemp()
- ReDim aryTemp(iC)
- for i=1 to iC
- aryTemp(i)=RegEnumElement(i) & "\"
- next
- for i=1 to iC
- sP_Old=CurrentFolder & aryTemp(i)
- sP_New=NewFolder & aryTemp(i)
- Call MoveValues(sP_Old,sP_New)
- Call RegDeletePath(sP_Old)
- next
- end if
- 'remove old path
- Call RegDeletePath(CurrentFolder)
- End Sub
- Sub MoveValues(OldFolder,NewFolder)
- iC=RegEnumValues(OldFolder)
- for i=1 to iC
- x_Name=RegEnumElement(i)
- x_Type=RegValueType(OldFolder & x_Name)
- x_Value=RegReadValue(OldFolder & x_Name)
- 'move to new location
- Call RegWriteValue(NewFolder & x_Name,x_Value,x_Type)
- 'delete old value
- Call RegDeleteValue(OldFolder & x_Name)
- next
- End Sub
- Sub Plugin_Terminate
- End Sub